Going BIG – Scaling Up
A client asked me if I could take one of my 4 inch square paintings and bring it to a 5 x 6 foot painting, which presented several challenges. To find out how I did it please Contact Jill.
A client asked me if I could take one of my 4 inch square paintings and bring it to a 5 x 6 foot painting, which presented several challenges. To find out how I did it please Contact Jill.
WCSU Alumni Exhibition, September 1-15, 2016 Gallery at the School of Visual and Performing Arts, Danbury, CT
Sail & Sketch Come sail with Jill and sketch the shoreline this summer. Three hours of sailing and sketching. Limited to three students. Contact Jill to schedule your time.
Extend your time in Italy
Starting this week – online painting lessons with Jill offered through Rowayton Arts Center Mid-Winter Dreams (Zoom)– 5 weeks Thursdays, Feb 15 – Mar 1410:00 am – 12:00 pm$185.Join Jill in the Clouds – In this demo and instruction online class, students will explore the different ways to capture clouds and influence the mood and feel of…
Register Today! Take your painting to the next level with Jill Rowayton Arts CenterWinter Classes – Zoom Register Today at (203) 866-2744 Goodbye Wintertime Blues (Zoom)Tuesdays, Mar 5 – Mar 196:00 pm – 8:00 pm Delve into color in this three-night workshop. Discover color’s mysteries in a playful and explorative approach. Students are encouraged to work…
Jill Nichols’ Blog Updates and Events